Thursday, March 20, 2014

7 Things You Can Do To Stay Lean And Still Dine Out

Lets face it, everyone dines out.  Social events are usually centered around a meal or snacks and you're more willing to indulge in things you shouldn't when you're out with your friends and you see them doing it.  So how do you stick to a healthy lifestyle while eating out and attending these social events? Good question.  It is a lot easier than you think it is!  Listed below are 7 things you can do and are realistic!

1.  Pregame with veggies and tea-  If you know you're going out to dinner with friends, munch on a cup of veggies and drink a cup of hot tea a half hour before heading to dinner.  This pre-game meal takes the edge off of your hunger so you won't be diving into the bread basket you know they will bring to your table.  Tea contains theanine which spurs mental calm and alertness which will help you to follow the rest of the rules below. 

2.  Answer "no" to the first question your server asks you-  The first question you hear from your server is would you like something to drink as they go on to name all of their Pepsi and Coke products along with their alcohol selection.  These drinks will pack extra unnecessary calories and will make you hungrier and lower your inhibition.  What is the point in swallowing extra calories, care less about ordering a healthy meal, and be more likely to overeat?  Tell them no thank you and order a water!

3.  Answer "no" to the second question the server asks you-  Once they offer you a drink, chances are they will ask if you'd like an appetizer.  Last time I checked, nothing good ever came out of devouring a plate of fried calamari, potato skins, or mozzarella sticks.  Most appetizers have as many calories as the main course unless you plan on enjoying a simple green salad with balsamic vinegar or a teaspoon or 2 of dressing.  Simply put, just skip the appetizer.  You'll save hundreds of calories. 

4.  Don't be shy-  Should you be avoiding butter or salt?  Speak up!  Seriously do not be afraid to ask for your food to be prepared the healthiest way it can.  Feel free to request that your fish, poultry, or meat be grilled, broiled, or steamed instead of fried or sautéed in butter or oil. 

5.  Order dressings and sauces on the side-  Ordering a salad is not always the lowest calorie option on the menu!  That salad with everything piled on it (no matter how healthy those toppings are) can sometimes end up being over 1,000 calories! Yikes!  Order these dressings on the side if you are choosing a salad for your main entrée.  This rule also goes for main dishes.  Ordering some type of meat or fish as your main entrée? That "special" sauce they pour all over it will make your calories add up so just get it on the side and handle the sauce yourself!  By ordering this on the side you can dip your fork in the sauce instead and spread it over your food to be in control with the amount you are consuming.

6.  Order extra-  You probably just read that and said "Wait, what?!"  Truth is you can never have too many veggies.  Most American diets these days consist of an abundance of grain and sweets and not enough veggies.  Order some extra veggies on the side instead of that buttery rice the menu offers.  Request no added oil, butter, or salt for your veggies and eat them before the rest of your meal so you have less room for the calorie packed main entrée.  Or as an alternative, mix the veggies into your meal.

7.  Eat a pre-planned, calorie-controlled dessert at home-  You know the waiter always asks if you'd like a dessert, and that some people in your group will be ordering something off that dessert menu.  Rather than consuming hundreds of calories with the restaurant dessert, have a small portion of a dessert that you love waiting for you at home.  It's much easier to turn down restaurant desserts knowing that you're heading home to a sugar free fudge pop, piece of dark chocolate, or raspberries and whipped cream.

Remember YOU are in control of YOUR body!
Feel free to leave a comment below and tell me what other strategies you may use to keep the calories in check while dining out!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

How Many Calories Per Dollar? Reality of Fast Food

I came across this interesting poster the other day and felt the need to share!  How many calories are you eating per dollar you spend at your favorite fast food places?  You may be eating way more calories than you think you are when you stop for fast food. 
TIP: If you know you are going to be eating out at a restaurant or a fast food restaurant, look at their website online and look for lower calorie, lower fat items that you can order!  Every restaurant is required to have nutritional facts!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How to Tone Your Calves

Unsure as to how to tone your calves so they look amazing next time you wear heels?  Read my article and find out!

Why Sugar Will Make You Fat

Sugar is toxic!  Doing something like drinking a can of pop a day can cause you to gain 12 pounds in a year!  Read this article to get some science behind why sugar makes you fat.

Why Cardio Workouts Alone Will Not Work

Think cardio workouts are the best thing for you!  Think again!  Read my article to see why you should be doing other workouts as well!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

What is the Workout Plan of Miss Greater Cleveland?

Ever wonder what I do to keep myself in shape especially for competing in pageants?  Check out my workout plan and see how simple it is to stay in shape!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

5 Myths About Weight Loss

So many people have expressed to me that they are confused on what to do anymore to lose weight!  Here are 5 huge myths about weight loss that I have cleared up in my article!  Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Salmon in Peach Mango Sauce

There is a link to a great salmon recipe!  At pageant planet I will now be posting delicious recipes along with my fitness and nutrition articles!  Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Why You Should Lift Heavy Weights

Read this article to learn about how you should be lifting heavy weights.  Girls, you will NOT become "bulky."  Make a fitness change today after reviewing my articles!